Saturday, March 1, 2008

Time Marches On

March 1 already? How can that be? Where did January and February go? With an extra day this year, time still has passed very quickly.
I just finished a 5 day workshop painting a portrait on porcelain. It was a very good time of learning about the fine details of painting portraits. The first 2 days, we painted 9 am to 5:30 pm. The 3rd day, we painted until 6 pm. Day 4 was less intense but we still painted until 5 pm and on day 5, we finished by 3 pm. Yes, all of this was on one piece.
Our instructor is a great teacher. Visit her website and see some of the beautiful portraits she has painted. Marci is the one we painted in this workshop. I will post a picture of it in about a week, so stay tuned.
Here is another of last year's Easter Eggs, top view followed by a side view. The white dots along the border are raised enamel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are just lovely - you must be very patient.